Recapping the missing days- How long has it been?

Readers will get used to my long breaks away from the blog- hopefully!
No excuses, the past few days have been spent working/painting.

I have my studio outside; really in the screened porch but nonetheless outside. This way I get to enjoy the fresh air and while the sun is out, I am able to be warm and watch the barking mice as they try to dig out from under the fence.

I posted my buddy the pelican. His Japanese title is "Luck"
(It was more my luck then his.)

This is a gold leaf, mixed media painting on MDF board- still Most Difficult to Find material. ( I will need to call Home Depot again).

Here's a photo of our really cool neighbor and three of our four furry children. Yes the horses are still furry. It does get cold at night- around 40- so I think the horses are reluctant to shed their hair.

Our neighbor loves to feed the kids carrots. As you can see, the horses love him!


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