Tow Behind trucks- and what did you say Mr. Uhaul man?

the old man couldn't read the mileage, he talked on the phone
and Benno helped him up in the truck afraid he'd fall down.

The long Uhaul drive down to Alabama from NY was quite uneventful- it took us 2.5 days driving 12 hours a day- 6am-6pm.

It was a thrilling moment to arrive at our new home.

The return of the UHaul - up Bellingrath road, to Theodore Dawes. I had no idea where i was. Benno gigled and told me I needed to go inside and return the UHAul.

The gas station had old pumps, The building was a throwabck from the 50's. The glass walls were packed with stuff. The old man must have had a stroke because he could not speak and be understood. He mumbled, badly. He talked on the phone to the Uhaul folks and they pretended to understand him. I did not understand him. The older lady friend did not understand him either but she pretended to. WE were all polite.


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