Jus junkin

Benno and I spent the afternoon exploring Grand Bay, Al and Mississippi's Grand Bay Estuary. We stopped along Potter Hollow, originally a pecan orchard. We asked a young father with his ruby-shoed 5 year old princess where we could find open water or a beach. He directed us to the MS estuary park. We hummed along a four lane highway, and turned into a nicely paved road that eventually took us down a dirt and clay runway to Browns Bait and Bar. a friendly rustic "dive" along the free docking boat launch on the Heron Bayou.

Now I thought we were on Heron Bayou !
Apparently every community has its own Heron Bayou.

This is all before we stopped at the Jus Junkin or as Benno accidentally misread Jesus junkin. Outside the store was every conceivable shape of junky cloth sofas and office chairs, .

On the floor was painted a revelation of sort- in pink- the woman was skinny with cigarette smoke in high heels listening to Bluegrass gospel. She and a Christmas tree filled with horse ornaments. I wanted some bout she couldn't find her way to let them go. 

 Her liberty blue ware, Benno thought was under priced. All of the space was quite well organized. But cheesy. There was a mix of clay work, oriental shitty and Hummel type figurines.


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